Browsing by Title
Now showing items 664-683 of 4214
Investigating the effects of glutamylation on C. elegans
(2021)TTLL enzymes are responsible for microtubule glutamylation, which promotes centriole stability and cilia motility. CCPP-1, homolog of human CCP1, regulates ciliary localization of PKD-2 in male specific sensory neurons and ... -
Investigating the Function of Tubulin Glutamylation
(2015)We are investigating the importance of tubulin glutamylation in proper microtubule function by analysing the effect of loosing the function of glutamylating enzymes. -
Investigating the impact of alanine mutations on the strength and stability of the E. coli CS20 pilus
(2022)CS20 is a type I pilus found in enterotoxigenic E. coli that facilitates attachment of the bacterial cell to the intestinal lining. CS20 pili must endure large forces that effect the filament structure. We explore the ... -
Investigating the Role of the Melted Region in Type IV Pili Filaments Using Steered Molecular Dynamics Simulation
(2019)Our group is using computer simulations to investigate the strength of bacterial filaments called type IV pili. Type IV pili extend from bacterial cells and are used in a wide variety of functions, including adhesion, ... -
Investigating the structure and dynamics of the Type IV Pili disassembly motor PilT
(2015)The pilT motor in the organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa was simulated using molecular dynamics. The structure of the system is hexameric. The entire pilT hexamer as well as the individual monomers were simulated with the ... -
Investigating ttll enzyme redundancy in caenorhabditis elegans cilia using male-mating
(2023)C. elegans has five glutamylating enzymes. TTLL enzymes show redundancy: loss of individual enzymes does not cause defects, but combined loss of three enzymes causes defects in male mating, due to cilia defects (Chawla et ... -
Investigation of a structured Fisher's equation with applications in biochemistry
(Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2018)Recent biological research has sought to understand how biochemical signaling pathways, such as the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family, influence the migration of a population of cells during wound healing. ... -
Investigation of halogen-metal exchange in bromoaryl-substituted β-lactams
(Bristol-Myers Squibb, 2007-10) -
Investigation of Ionic Liquid Interactions with a Lipid Bilayer
(2015)The objective of this research is to understand the fundamental physical processes at play when ionic liquids diffuse into lipid bilayers, and eventually to be able to use molecular models to predict novel ionic liquids ... -
Investigation of the effect of cement viscosity in total knee arthroplasty using digital image correlation
(2011)Approximately 581,000 knee replacements are performed in the United States each year. Micromotion at the bone-cement and cement-implant interfaces causes bone resorption and loosening of the ... -
iReference: Using Apple's iPhone as a Reference Tool
(Routledge, 2008) -
Is there an information literacy skills gap to be bridged? An examination of faculty perceptions and activities relating to information literacy in the United States and England
(American Library Association, 2010-05)Surveys of faculty were conducted at two higher education institutions in England and the United States to ascertain their perceptions of information literacy. Faculty were also asked about the extent to which they ... -
Isolation and characterization of a cysteine dioxygenase model complex intermediate from aqueous media
(2021)Cysteine Dioxygenase (CDO) oxidizes cysteine to maintain homeostasis. Increased levels of cysteine have been linked to the development of neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's, and autoimmune diseases, ... -
The isolation effect in advertising: Are usual advertisements remembered better?
(Nova Science Publishers, 2009) -
Iterative electrodes increase neural recruitment for deep brain stimulation
(IEEE, 2015)Deep brain stimulators require surgical replacement when primary cell batteries are depleted. We designed novel electrode contact geometries based on the principle of iterative element addition as a method of increasing ... -
“I’m not an English teacher”: Understanding the Relationship Among STEM Teacher Self-efficacy, Pedagogy, and Culture in the Classroom
(2014)Albert Bandura's (1977) concept of self-efficacy, or one's belief in his/her ability to organize and execute a desired action, has been adopted by the educational community to examine some of the ways in which teachers ...