Browsing by Title
Now showing items 511-530 of 4214
A Gauss–Seidel type solver for the fast computation of input-constrained control systems
(Elsevier, 2016-11) -
Gender on Trial: Women Plaintiffs, Lawyers, and Judges in State Civil Trials
(2019)With the research questions, 1) How do juries respond to female litigants? 2) Does having a woman attorney help or hurt women litigants? 3) Do men and women participate in different types of lawsuits? 4) Are gender effects ... -
Gene expression and growth analysis of CYP72A enzymes in corn and Arabidopsis
(2021)In response to various environmental stresses, several plant species have developed an arsenal of defense strategies to combat abiotic stresses. Cytochrome P450s (CYPs) are one of the largest enzyme families that have been ... -
Gene Expression and the Response of Crabs to Salinity Change
(2015)We have previously demonstrated that hemolymph levels of methyl famesomate (MF) in the green crab Carcinus maenus increase in response to hypo-osmotic stress (Lovett et al., 2001,2006). The present study measured changes ... -
Gene Expression Signatures and Response to Imatinib Mesylate in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor
(American Association for Cancer Research, 2009)Purpose Despite initial efficacy of imatinib mesylate (IM) in most gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) patients, many experience primary/secondary drug resistance. Therefore, clinical management of GIST may benefit from ... -
Gene expression signatures modulated by epidermal growth factor receptor activation and their relationship to cetuximab resistance in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
(BioMed Central, 2012)Background Aberrant activation of signaling pathways downstream of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been hypothesized to be one of the mechanisms of cetuximab (a monoclonal antibody against EGFR) resistance in ... -
Gene function analysis
(Humana Press, 2007) -
Gene function analysis
(Humana Press, 2014) -
Generalized Casson Invariants for SO(3),U(2),Spin(4) , and SO(4)
(American Mathematical Society, 1994)We investigate Casson-type invariants corresponding to the low-rank groups $\mathrm{SO}(3), \mathrm{SU}(2) \times S^1, \mathrm{U}(2), \operatorname{Spin}(4)$ and SO(4). The invariants are defined following an approach ... -
Genetic analysis of cyp72a enzymes involved in corn acclimation to environmental stress
(2023)Climate change impacts crop productivity due to worsening stressful environmental conditions. To combat stress, such as heat, chilling, drought, salinity, and/or caterpillar feeding, plants evolved a variety of physical ... -
Genetic polymorphisms, their allele combinations and IFN-β treatment response in Irish multiple sclerosis patients
(Future Medicine, 2009)IFN-β is widely used as first-line immunomodulatory treatment for multiple sclerosis. Response to treatment is variable (30–50% of patients are nonresponders) and requires a long treatment duration for accurate assessment ... -
[Genetic predisposition to multiple sclerosis as a polygenic autoimmune disease]
(Izdatelstvo Meditsina, 2009)Unrelated patients with definite multiple sclerosis (MS) and healthy controls of Russian descent were genotyped at 16 polymorphic loci of the DRB1, TNF, LTa, TGFb1, CCR5 and CTLA4 genes and TNFa and TNFb microsatellites. ... -
Geometric perspective on piecewise polynomiality of double Hurwitz numbers
(Cambridge University Press, 2014)We describe double Hurwitz numbers as intersection numbers on the moduli space of curves M̅g,n. Using a result on the polynomiality of intersection numbers of psi classes with the Double Ramification Cycle, our formula ... -
German Vocabulary Acquisition: the Impact of Goal Orientations on Lag Effects
(2020)Our study examined the impact of goal orientation and spacing on language acquisition. Participants completed a goal orientation measure and a German vocabulary acquisition task, where words were presented in either spaced ... -
Getting to the Core of Service: Connecting the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in the Content Areas with Service Learning
(2014)This research seeks to draw connections between service learning and the Common Core State Standards for Literacy (CCSS). Researchers surveyed 182 secondary teachers in New Jersey regarding their current use of service ... -
Global America in the twentieth century
(2016)Global America in the Twentieth Century, written by Alan Dawley, Christopher Fisher, and Robert McGreevey, examines the history of the United States from the late 19th century to the present in a global context. To be ... -
Global Reactivation of Epigenetically Silenced Genes in Prostate Cancer
(American Association for Cancer Research, 2010)Transcriptional silencing associated with aberrant promoter hypermethylation is a common mechanism of inactivation of tumor suppressor genes in cancer cells. To globally profile the genes silenced by hypermethylation in ... -
Global School-Based Interventions For the Prevention of Childhood Obesity
(2015)Researched and analyzed global school based interventions to determine the most effective program for combating childhood obesity. -
Graduate Bulletin, 1963-1964
(College of New Jersey (Ewing, N.J.), 1963)Provides information about graduate academic programs including admissions, academic regulations and requirements, and services available to students.