Now showing items 1-10 of 38
How much can neural networks learn about jellyfish?
Neural Networks can approximate real-valued, discrete values and vector-valued functions. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have inputs neurons, hidden layers, and output neurons. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has ...
When it is good to be out of sync: copepod and marine snow interactions
Copepods’ interaction with marine snow and how they capture food is an understudied topic. The focus of this project is to create mathematical models of copepods and marine snow particles to study how different movement ...
A polynomial chaos approach to predicting swimming performance
Jellyfish only expend little energy while in motion, making them highly efficient swimmers. We can explore swimming performance using computer simulations to further understand jellyfish locomotion. Each computer simulation ...
Fluid dynamics in heart development: effects of hematocrit and trabeculation
(Oxford University Press, 2018-12)
Recent in vivo experiments have illustrated the importance of understanding the haemodynamics of heart morphogenesis. In particular, ventricular trabeculation is governed by a delicate interaction between haemodynamic ...
Uncertainty quantification reveals the physical constraints on pumping by peristaltic hearts
(The Royal Society, 2020-09-09)
Most biological functional systems are complex, and this complexity is a fundamental driver of diversity. Because input parameters interact in complex ways, a holistic understanding of functional systems is key to understanding ...
Modeling the prescription opioid epidemic
(Springer, 2019-04-22)
Opioid addiction has become a global epidemic and a national health crisis in recent years, with the number of opioid overdose fatalities steadily increasing since the 1990s. In contrast to the dynamics of a typical illicit ...
Diving into a simple anguilliform swimmer’s sensitivity
(Oxford University Press, 2020-09-16)
Computational models of aquatic locomotion range from modest individual simple swimmers in 2D to sophisticated 3D multi-swimmer models that attempt to parse collective behavioral dynamics. Each of these models contain a ...
A semi-automated finite difference mesh creation method for use with immersed boundary software IB2d and IBAMR
(IOP Publishing, 2020-11-27)
Numerous fluid-structure interaction problems in biology have been investigated using the immersed boundary method. The advantage of this method is that complex geometries, e.g., internal or external morphology, can easily ...
Hopscotching jellyfish: combining different duty cycle kinematics can lead to enhanced swimming performance
(IOP Publishing, 2021-10-26)
Jellyfish (Medusozoa) have been deemed the most energy-efficient animals in the world. Their bell morphology and relatively simple nervous systems make them attractive to robotocists. Although, the science community has ...
On the dynamic suction pumping of blood cells in tubular hearts
(Springer, 2017)
Around the third week after gestation in embryonic development, the human heart consists only of a valvless tube, unlike a fully developed adult heart, which is multi-chambered. At this stage in development, the heart ...