Browsing Faculty Research by Title
Now showing items 41-60 of 635
Barriers to success: understanding the student experience
(2018-03)At The College of New Jersey, faculty from the School of Science have partnered with the institutional Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) program to revitalize the existing STEM Summer Scholars bridge program in order to ... -
Bayesian decomposition analysis of bacterial phylogenomic profiles
(Adis, 2005)BACKGROUND: The past two decades have seen the appearance of new infectious diseases and the reemergence of old diseases previously thought to be under control. At the same time, the effectiveness of the existing ... -
Bayesian decomposition: analyzing microarray data within a biological context
(Wiley, 2004-05)The detection and correct identification of cancer, especially at an early stage, are vitally important for patient survival and quality of life. Since signaling pathways play critical roles in cancer development and ... -
Becoming student ready: transforming institutional structures and cultures to support success for all students
(2018-03)With initial funding from the National Science Foundation, we have created new programs to provide scholarships, mentored research experiences, and coordinated support programs to undergraduates who are typically ... -
BeoBLAST: distributed BLAST and PSI-BLAST on a Beowulf cluster
(Oxford University Press, 2002)BeoBLAST is an integrated software package that handles user requests and distributes BLAST and PSI-BLAST searches to nodes of a Beowulf cluster, thus providing a simple way to implement a scalable BLAST system on top of ... -
Bifurcations in the Kuramoto model on graphs
(American Institute of Physics, 2018-07-27)In his classical work, Kuramoto analytically described the onset of synchronization in all-to-all coupled networks of phase oscillators with random intrinsic frequencies. Specifically, he identified a critical value of the ... -
Bifurcations in valveless pumping techniques from a coupled fluid-structure-electrophysiology model in heart development
(2017-12-06)We explore an embryonic heart model that couples electrophysiology and muscle-force generation to flow induced using a 2𝘋 fluid-structure interaction framework based on the immersed boundary method. The propagation of ... -
Biologically-informed neural networks guide mechanistic modeling from sparse experimental data
(Public Library of Science, 2020-12-01)Biologically-informed neural networks (BINNs), an extension of physics-informed neural networks [1], are introduced and used to discover the underlying dynamics of biological systems from sparse experimental data. In the ... -
Biomedical informatics in cancer research
(Springer, 2010) -
Bleeding-heart liberals and hard-hearted conservatives: subtle political dehumanization through differential attributions of human nature and human uniqueness traits
(PsychOpen, 2013)This research demonstrated that human nature (HN) and human uniqueness (HU) traits capture the content of Americans’ stereotypes about liberals and conservatives, respectively. Consistent with expectations derived from ... -
A bookless library, part I : Relocating print materials to off-site storage
(Routledge, 2013)This article presents an analysis of the feasibility of a bookless library in a research setting. As spaces for collections are being converted for increased study and community spaces, many libraries have been moving ... -
A bookless library, part II : Managing access services with no in-house collections
(Routledge, 2013)In the spring of 2011, the Penrose Library at the University of Denver began the process of storing all materials, services, and staff to temporary locations in preparation for a building renovation project. The library ... -
Boundedness of the space of stable logarithmic maps
(EMS Press, 2017)We prove that the moduli space of stable logarithmic maps with fixed numerical invariants, from logarithmic curves to a fixed projective target logarithmic scheme with fine and saturated logarithmic structure, is a proper ... -
Building context with tumor growth modeling projects in differential equations
(Taylor & Francis, 2015)The use of modeling projects serves to integrate, reinforce, and extend student knowledge. Here we present two projects related to tumor growth appropriate for a first course in differential equations. They illustrate the ... -
Bumps and ridges: trabeculation effects in embryonic heart development
(American Physical Society, 2014-11)Trabeculae form in developing zebrafish hearts for Re on the order of 0.1; effects of trabeculae in this flow is not well understood. Dynamic processes, such as vortex formation, are important in the generation of shear ... -
Bumps, ridges, and no flows in vein
(Springer, 2020)In a developing vertebrate heart, the heart does not simply beat just to transport blood, nutrients, and oxygen, but it beats to aid in the formation. -
CAFE: A Collaboration and Facilitation Environment for Engaging Students in Computer Science
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2009) -
Carbon-Proton Dipolar Decoupling in REDOR
(Elsevier, 2000-07)Dipolar decoupling of protons with radiofrequency field amplitudes comparable to those used for the rare-spin refocusing and dephasing π pulses results in accurate, high-sensitivity determinations of internuclear distances ... -
Characterising congestion impact of road diet lane reduction using probe vehicle data
(ICE Publishing, 2022)