Browsing Faculty Research by Title
Now showing items 59-78 of 635
Carbon-Proton Dipolar Decoupling in REDOR
(Elsevier, 2000-07)Dipolar decoupling of protons with radiofrequency field amplitudes comparable to those used for the rare-spin refocusing and dephasing π pulses results in accurate, high-sensitivity determinations of internuclear distances ... -
Characterising congestion impact of road diet lane reduction using probe vehicle data
(ICE Publishing, 2022) -
Characterizing bridge functional obsolescence using congestion performance measures determined from anonymous probe-vehicle data
(American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2016-04) -
Characterizing key proteins that contribute to barnacle adhesion
(National Shellfisheries Association, 2015)Barnacles can tenaciously adhere to almost any surface. To stick to a surface, glues are released and form an adhesive bond between the surface and the barnacle's base plate. The predomi-nantly proteinaceous glue is ... -
Characterizing the coordinate functions of space filling curves
(Michigan State University Press, 2020) -
Chaucer and the Critical Tradition
(Modern Language Association of America, 2007) -
Chaucer in the Field of Cultural Production: Humanism, Dante, and The House of Fame
(Penn State University Press, 2000) -
Chaucer’s Mutability in Spenser’s Mutabilitie Cantos
(Rice University, 2006)Recent scholarship has increasingly focused attention on Spenser's continuity with Chaucer. This essay focuses attention on an important discontinuity between Spenser's Mutabilitie Cantos and Chaucer's Parliament of Fowls ... -
Children's books in the digital world : The bigger picture for our graduates
(Association of College and Research Libraries, 3/27/2015)This paper highlights a unique pilot program to test the utility of providing award-winning children’s literature in e-book format at an academic library. A high demand for quality PreK–12 literature exists at many ... -
Chimeras unfolded
(Springer, 2022-02-08)The instability of mixing in the Kuramoto model of coupled phase oscillators is the key to understanding a range of spatiotemporal patterns, which feature prominently in collective dynamics of systems ranging from neuronal ... -
Choosing a solution strategy: distinguishing between analytic, qualitative and numerical approaches
(2016-01)In many undergraduate Ordinary Differential Equations courses that cover first-order initial value problems, students learn analytic approaches for solving such equations, qualitative approaches to extract some solution ... -
Chucking the checklist: A contextual approach to teaching undergraduates Web-site evaluation
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004-07)This paper criticizes the checklist model approach (authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, coverage) to teaching undergraduates how to evaluate Web sites. The checklist model rests on faulty assumptions about the ... -
A Class of Exponent-Sum Two Equations Over Groups
(Cambridge University Press, 2002)In this paper, relative pictures are used to analyze a certain family of exponent-sum two equations over groups. -
Cleaning our world through reverse graffiti
(Taylor & Francis, 2013)We have come to the realization that the earth is not invincible; we must preserve our habitat for it to remain hospitable. So how can we, as teachers, educate future generations about specifi c environmental ... -
Clutching and gluing in tropical and logarithmic geometry
(Elsevier, 2019-05)The classical clutching and gluing maps between the moduli stacks of stable marked algebraic curves are not logarithmic, i.e. they do not induce morphisms over the category of logarithmic schemes, since they factor through ... -
ClutrFree: cluster tree visualization and interpretation
(Oxford University Press, 2004)ClutrFree facilitates the visualization and interpretation of clusters or patterns computed from microarray data through a graphical user interface that displays patterns, membership information of the genes and annotation ...