Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Critical race theory and the archaeology of the African diaspora
(Society for Historical Archeology, 2004)
The critical race theory movement, an outgrowth of critical legal studies, offers historical archaeologists a paradigm for a more sophisticated, politically engaged treatment of the issue of race. Unfortunately, an uncritical ...
The politics of empiricism and the construction of race as an analytical category
(American Anthropological Association, 1994-01)
The article examine the politics of empiricism from two perspectives: first, the political context from which empiricism emerged and secondly, the ways in which the empiricist epistemology continues to structure and limit ...
Critical ethnography in the VMT project
(Springer, 2009)
The approach of the VMT Project has usually been described as design-based research in the learning sciences. However, it can also be understood as ethnography, using a micro-ethnographic style of interaction analysis to ...
Toward a critical ethnography of librarian-supported collaborative learning
(University of Nebraska--Lincoln. Libraries, 2006)
The article presents a study of the critical ethnography of librarian-supported collaborative learning. It discusses the challenges within library and information science (LIS), and discusses how the computer-supported ...
Reports, requests, and recipient design: The management of patron queries in online reference chats
(American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2008-12)
The related fields of ethnomethodology (EM), founded by Harold Garfinkel, and conversation analysis (CA), as epitomized by the work of Harvey Sacks, offer unique insights into the operation of virtual reference services ...