Now showing items 1-10 of 20
Continuing Education in New Standards and Technologies for the Organization of Data and Information: A Report on the Cataloging and Metadata Professional Development Survey
(Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, 2018)
This study uses data from a large original survey (nearly one thousand initial respondents) to present how the cataloging and metadata community is approaching new and emerging data standards and technologies. The data ...
Metadata quality control in digital repositories and collections: criteria, semantics, and mechanisms
(Taylor & Francis, 2010-09)
This article evaluates practices on metadata quality control in digital repositories and collections using an online survey of cataloging and metadata professionals in the United States. The study examines (1) the perceived ...
Managing Catalog Data to Enhance Library OPAC Use
This presentation illustrates two local projects that have greatly enhanced OPAC use: (1) handling duplicate and obsolete authority records; (2) creatively making use of local subject data. The multi-step processes involved ...
Analyzing library metadata for Web-based metadata reuse services: a case-study examination of and RefWorks
(Taylor & Francis, 2010-11)
The goal of this article is to analyze problems in citation outputs generated by Web-based bibliographic management software RefWorks in order to illustrate how existing library data in the database can be ...
Mining and Analyzing Circulation and ILL Data for Informed Collection Development
(Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015)
The authors investigated quantitative methods of collection use analysis employing library data that are available in ILS and ILL systems to better understand library collection use and user needs. For the purpose of the ...
RDA: Resource description & access—a survey of the current state of the art
(Wiley, 2013)
Resource Description & Access (RDA) is intended to provide a flexible and extensible framework that can accommodate all types of content and media within rapidly evolving digital environments while also maintaining ...
From metadata creation to metadata quality control: continuing education needs among cataloging and metadata professionals
(Association for Library and Information Science Education, 2010-07)
This study aims to examine the current state and needs of continuing education among cataloging and metadata professionals regarding metadata creation and management.Using nationwide survey data, the study finds an active ...
Utilizing Usage Data To Develop An Ebook Collection: Strategies and Considerations
In an effort to ascertain where future eBook purchases would be most appropriate, librarians at the TCNJ Library ran reports on Voyager to generate lists of heavily-circulated monographs, heavily-browsed monographs, and ...
RDA Implementation and Training Issues across United States Academic Libraries: An In-Depth E-Mail Interview Study
(Association for Library and Information Science Education, 2015)
The study aims at providing in-depth perspectives on the ways in which cataloging/metadata professionals have coped with RDA training and implementation through an-mail interview method. Results show that the performance-based, ...
RDA: Resource Description & Access—Reports from the Field
(Routledge, 2014)