Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Managing Catalog Data to Enhance Library OPAC Use
This presentation illustrates two local projects that have greatly enhanced OPAC use: (1) handling duplicate and obsolete authority records; (2) creatively making use of local subject data. The multi-step processes involved ...
Towards accessibility to digital cultural materials: an FRBRized approach
(Emerald Group Publishing, 2006)
– The purpose of this paper is to address the key components of building good digital collections.
– Different categories of digital collections based on guidelines defined by the ...
Managing Microforms in the Digital Age
(American Library Association, 2013-08)
Future of bibliographic control
With the development of RDA and recommendations from the Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control, the presentation analyzes the future of cataloging standards and the recommendations from the Working Group.
Mining and Analyzing Circulation and ILL Data for Informed Collection Development
(Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015)
The authors investigated quantitative methods of collection use analysis employing library data that are available in ILS and ILL systems to better understand library collection use and user needs. For the purpose of the ...
Utilizing Usage Data To Develop An Ebook Collection: Strategies and Considerations
In an effort to ascertain where future eBook purchases would be most appropriate, librarians at the TCNJ Library ran reports on Voyager to generate lists of heavily-circulated monographs, heavily-browsed monographs, and ...
(Mandarin Library & Information Services Company, 2006)
FRBR -- Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, a bibliographic framework developed by IFLA. This is a Chinese translation of its 1998 English edition.
Towards Sustainable Partnership: Examining Cross Perceptions of Public and Technical Services Academic Librarians
(Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, 2017)
Public services (PS) and technical services (TS) librarians play equally crucial roles in providing library services to meet user needs to support institutional goals. For PS and TS librarians to develop effective workplace ...
Towards Better Discovery of Video Materials: TCNJ's Continuing Efforts
The College of New Jersey Library began to enhance video records for easy discovery a few years ago. This multi-phase ongoing undertaking includes changing procedures of pre-cataloging processing; adjusting copy cataloging ...