Library Faculty: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 82
On the state of genre/form vocabulary : A quantitative analysis of LCGFT data in WorldCat
(American Library Association, 2021)The purpose of this paper is to report on a quantitative analysis of the LCGFT vocabulary within a large set of MARC bibliographic data retrieved from the OCLC WorldCat database. The study aimed to provide a detailed ... -
FERPA compliance issues for student works in IRs
(American Library Association, 2019-06)This poster presents the results of an online survey that was designed to evaluate how U.S. academic libraries have addressed FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) compliance issues when collecting and disseminating ... -
Faculty perceptions of librarians and library services : exploring the impact of librarian faculty status and beyond
(Association of College & Research Libraries, 2019-04) -
Linked data technologies and what libraries have accomplished so far
(Chinese American Librarians Association, 2018)For the past ten years libraries have been working diligently towards Linked Data and the Semantic Web. Due to the complexity and vast scope of Linked Data, many people have a hard time to understand its technical details ... -
Dataset supporting the article "A Primer on Building Library Mobile Website"
(2011)This dataset supports the article "A Primer on Building Library Mobile Website." The purpose is to experiment with research data management by using the College Institutional Repository (TCNJ Scholars) implemented on DSpace ... -
Guide to the solo horn repertoire
(Indiana University Press, 2016) -
RDA: Resource description & access—a survey of the current state of the art
(Wiley, 2013)Resource Description & Access (RDA) is intended to provide a flexible and extensible framework that can accommodate all types of content and media within rapidly evolving digital environments while also maintaining ... -
RDA: Resource Description & Access—Reports from the Field
(Routledge, 2014) -
RDA Implementation and Training Issues across United States Academic Libraries: An In-Depth E-Mail Interview Study
(Association for Library and Information Science Education, 2015)The study aims at providing in-depth perspectives on the ways in which cataloging/metadata professionals have coped with RDA training and implementation through an-mail interview method. Results show that the performance-based, ... -
Developing an automatic crawling system for populating a digital repository of professional development resources: A pilot study
(Routledge, 2016)This study is a part of the larger project that develops a sustainable digital repository of professional development resources on emerging data standards and technologies for data organization and management in libraries. ... -
Advancing Professional Learning in Libraries: An Exploratory Study of Cataloging and Metadata Professionals' Experiences and Perspectives on Continuing Education Issues
(Routledge, 2017)Based on a set of web survey data, this study examines cataloging and metadata professionals' perspectives on issues surrounding continuing education. The results show that emerging data standards such as the Semantic Web ... -
Continuing Education in New Standards and Technologies for the Organization of Data and Information: A Report on the Cataloging and Metadata Professional Development Survey
(Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, 2018)This study uses data from a large original survey (nearly one thousand initial respondents) to present how the cataloging and metadata community is approaching new and emerging data standards and technologies. The data ... -
Emerging information standards and technologies: cataloging and metadata professionals’ perspectives
(Emerald, 2017)Purpose: This paper aims to report on the survey results relating to the current experience of cataloging and metadata professionals with emerging information standards and technologies, as well as the state of professional ... -
RapidR: Innovative Resource Sharing for Physical Delivery
(Routledge, 2018)Resource sharing practices are always evolving, with new software, tools, and consortia available to streamline and enhance operations. RapidILL's introduction of RapidR represents a groundbreaking way for libraries to ... -
Managing Microforms in the Digital Age
(American Library Association, 2013-08) -
Exploiting cooperative cataloging - opportunities for public libraries
(Taipei Public Library, 2012) -
Towards Sustainable Partnership: Examining Cross Perceptions of Public and Technical Services Academic Librarians
(Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, 2017)Public services (PS) and technical services (TS) librarians play equally crucial roles in providing library services to meet user needs to support institutional goals. For PS and TS librarians to develop effective workplace ...