Emerging information standards and technologies: cataloging and metadata professionals’ perspectives
Purpose: This paper aims to report on the survey results relating to the current experience of cataloging and metadata professionals with emerging information standards and technologies, as well as the state of professional training and existing barriers to continuing education (CE) in these emerging areas. Design/methodology/approach:
The paper presents a quantitative analysis of the data collected in the online survey, supplemented with a qualitative analysis of some open-ended responses. Findings: There was a wide interest in leveraging emerging Semantic Web and Linked Data approaches. Training activities on newer information standards and technologies were reported by more than half of the respondents. The survey data suggested the importance of increasing field-wide collaborations and institution- or organization-level support for professional development. Improving the discoverability of relevant CE resources and programs was also considered to be the key, as were affordability and the ability to incorporate ongoing learning into everyday practice. Originality/value: There are currently no comprehensive studies or benchmarked data on how the existing CE system meets the needs of cataloging and metadata professionals. This study establishes a baseline for an understanding of their ongoing professional development preferences and requirements relating to new information standards and technologies.
Jung ran Park, Yuji Tosaka, (2017) "Emerging information standards and technologies: cataloging and metadata professionals’ perspectives", Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 34 Issue: 4, pp.22-26.