Browsing English Department by Title
Now showing items 32-47 of 47
Review of Elizabeth S. Dodd and Cassandra Gorman (eds), Thomas Traherne and Seventeenth-Century Thought
(Oxford University Press, 2017) -
“Seventy Seven” in Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist
(Taylor & Francis, 2012) -
She Scolds the First Possible Animal
(World Poetry Inc., 2015) -
The Stranger Manual
(Graywolf Press, 2010) -
Teaching Chaucer through Chaucer’s Bookshelf
(Wichita State University, 2015) -
Teaching Shakespeare’s Sources and Contexts
(International Society for the Study of Medievalism, 2014) -
'Tell All Men': Bunyan and the Gendering of Discourse
(Bunyan Studies, 2003) -
Virgin ears: silence, deafness, and chastity in Milton's Maske.
(Penn State University Press, 1998) -
Vocal Women, Silent Woman: Gender in the Noble Numbers
(Taylor & Francis, 2012) -
Who ‘laid him in a manger’? Biblical Women in Herbert, Vaughan, and Traherne
(Brill, 2015)Although female figures from the Bible are largely absent from the poetry of George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, and Thomas Traherne, a few poems treat female biblical characters in a substantive way. Yet even in these poems, ... -
Women, Sex, and Power: Circe and Lilith in Narnia
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004) -
“Wo’is me” and “Ah my deare”: Parenthetical Metacommentary in Donne and Herbert.
(The John Donne Society, 2016) -
You Know the Plot / We Both Agreed On?’: Plot, Self-Consciousness, and The London Merchant in Beaumont’s The Knight of the Burning Pestle
(Rosemont Publishing & Printing Corp DBA Associated University Presses, 1991)