Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Virgin ears: silence, deafness, and chastity in Milton's Maske.
(Penn State University Press, 1998)
"Ay me": Selfishness and Empathy in "Lycidas"
(Early Modern Literary Studies, 1996)
‘High Delights that satisfy all Appetites’: Thomas Traherne and Gender
(Early Modern Literary Studies, 2018)
The poetry of Thomas Traherne has often seemed purely and innocently devotional in comparison with that of George Herbert, John Donne, or Richard Crashaw, poets whose religious work, at least occasionally, is sexually ...
Women, Sex, and Power: Circe and Lilith in Narnia
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004)
Austen and “the Advantage of Height”
(Jane Austen Society of North America, 1999)
Katherine Philips and “Churching”
(Taylor & Francis, 2012)
“Wo’is me” and “Ah my deare”: Parenthetical Metacommentary in Donne and Herbert.
(The John Donne Society, 2016)
The Performing Heir in Jonson's Jacobean Masques
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001)
Milton’s Comus in Ann Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho
(Taylor & Francis, 2014)
Review of Elizabeth S. Dodd and Cassandra Gorman (eds), Thomas Traherne and Seventeenth-Century Thought
(Oxford University Press, 2017)