Now showing items 1-9 of 9
My Favorite Apocalypse
(Graywolf Press, 2001)
Women, Sex, and Power: Circe and Lilith in Narnia
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004)
Chaucer in the Field of Cultural Production: Humanism, Dante, and The House of Fame
(Penn State University Press, 2000)
The Performing Heir in Jonson's Jacobean Masques
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001)
Chaucer’s Mutability in Spenser’s Mutabilitie Cantos
(Rice University, 2006)
Recent scholarship has increasingly focused attention on Spenser's continuity with Chaucer. This essay focuses attention on an important discontinuity between Spenser's Mutabilitie Cantos and Chaucer's Parliament of Fowls ...
Holodeck Masquing: Early Modern Genre Meets Star Trek
(Wiley, 2000)
Suggests that the past 10 years have seen masques performed regularly, and for more general audiences, on episodes of the "Star Trek" spinoff series "Next Generation," "Deep Space 9," and "Voyager." Notes that characters ...
Chaucer and the Critical Tradition
(Modern Language Association of America, 2007)
'Tell All Men': Bunyan and the Gendering of Discourse
(Bunyan Studies, 2003)